
20 set 2018

"Lost Paradise"

Take a look at the amazing cover story made

in Tulum, Mexico for August #7 issue

with the amazing model Maya Stepper

Photography Frank Grimm

Art Direction Arne Paszkiet

Style Leonie Gerner c/o Bigoudi

Model Maya Stepper c/o The Lions

Hair Style, Makeup Melanie Schöne

c/o Nina Klein

Retouch Elektronische Schoenheit

#cover #Covergirl #covermagazine #backcover #printissue #print #editorial #MayaStepper #FrankGrimm #Bigoudi #TheLions #MelanieSchöne #NinaKlein #ElektronischeSchoenheit #LeonieGerner #Tulum #Mexico #fashionstory #ecosustainable #sustainable #sustainablefashion