Giulia Greco 10 ago 2019"Sea Food" - editoriale Preview editoriale dal numero di Agosto SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI “Si dice che nel fiume Eufrate cadde un uovo di straordinaria grandezza,...
Giulia Greco 10 ago 2019"Sea Food" - editorial Preview editorial from August print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE “They say an extraordinary big egg fell in the Euphrates, which fishes...
Redazione13 lug 2019"Transcendental" webitorialPhotography Matthew Burditt Style Cole Taylor Model Averie c/o Family Management Makeup, Hair Style Jana Bizzarri layout Laura Bobak...
Giulia Greco 17 giu 2019"Rooftop"Preview editoriale dal numero di Giugno SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI Fotografia Det Kempke Style Hinda Sarva Modella Freya c/o Promod Model...
Giulia Greco 17 giu 2019"Rooftop" Preview editorial from June print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE Photography Det Kempke Style Hinda Sarva Model Freya c/o Promod Model Agency...
Redazione14 mar 2019"Denim Daze"Photographer Patrick Tak Stylist Anna Wong Model Angel Cielos c/o Heffner Management Hair Stylist Gigi Legaspi layout Giuseppe Sindoni...
Redazione13 ago 2018"It's Coming Home"Preview editorial from August issue Take your copy HERE and see more images Photography Heidi Rondak Styling Danny Muster Model Liza...
Redazione17 lug 2018"Impact"Bring sport wear into everyday life TEAM Photography Elke Van de Velde Art Direction Irina Scott Styling Hope Misterek Hair & Makeup...