Giulia Greco 14 giu 2019"Desert Dusk" “La lotta di molti fotografi professionisti è quella di creare immagini che abbiano la stessa purezza di cuore dell’istantanea familiare”...
Giulia Greco 14 giu 2019"Desert Dusk"“The struggle of many professional photographers is to make images that have the same purity of heart as the family snapshot” - Alec Soth...
Redazione11 feb 2019Style Ethics: Global Fashion Agenda 2019Everyone will be talking about the sustainable fashion’s role at Davos. During the World Economic Forum the key leaders in fashion and...
Redazione30 nov 2018How to shop sustainablyGoodbye fast fashion. Hello sustainability! It seems like just yesterday everyone was rushing round to get the latest fast fashion...