Redazione18 lug 2019"Fascination Street" advertorialAlfa Romeo "Giulia" Photography Astrid M Obert Creative Direction & Production Riaan Kleynhans Style Trang Cao c/o Fame agency c/o Studio...
Redazione13 lug 2019"Transcendental" webitorialPhotography Matthew Burditt Style Cole Taylor Model Averie c/o Family Management Makeup, Hair Style Jana Bizzarri layout Laura Bobak...
Redazione19 lug 2018"Prints Matter"Preview editorial from July issue SEE MORE HERE Photography Roberto Ligresti Style Rod Novoa Model Jonathan Normolle c/o Q models ...
Redazione27 nov 2017"Too good to be true"Photography Migle Golubickaite Style Milda Kuliesiute Jasinskiene Model Augustinas Zeniauskas c/o 3mmodels Hair Style Milda...