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Glitter Face Masks

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Courtesy of Getty+Mads Perch

Would you like to freshen your skin sci-fi movie style? If yes, then check these glitter face masks out!

Too Faced Cosmetics brand is changing the way you cleanse your skin. This Monday, the co-founder and CEO of the brand Jerrod Blandino posted a woman cleaning her face with a glittery face mask. Under the video Blandino captioned 'I'm working on something beyond Magical to make your skin Glow!' Fans of Blandino are used to his mysterious posts before launches of new products yet this was a surprise as glittery face masks are something we've never come across before.

Glitter face masks are a first in big beauty brands, they were rarely seen on Etsy but glittery face masks from Too Faced? Count us in! Even though the launch date and the name of the product isn't certain this product is definitely going to be the craze of this year.


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