Dior is asking us a crucial question for their first viral charity campaign #DIORLOVECHAIN "What would you do for love?"
The brand is collaborating with We Foundation to help improve children's education and well being of developing countries. Your task is simple, by preparing a short video of you responding to the question "What would you do for love?" you will pass it on to your loved ones and Dior will donate $1 for every #DIORLOVECHAIN post. Initiated by many celebrities including Natalie Portman, Jennifer Lawrence, Johnny Depp and many more, the brand's ambassadors and influencers will be answering this question with their loved ones to help the We Movement.
We Movement is working in 9 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia to benefit over 200 thousand children's education and over 30 thousand women's financial freedom, while also providing over a million people's water and health supply. Currently Dior Love Chain and Natalie Portman is working to improve the education of young girls in Kenta. Starting from the 27th of August Dior's Ambassadors will be posting videos on social media to help spread the chain.
Either alone or with your loved ones you can take short videos to help improve thousands of children's future. So we ask again; "What would you do for love?"