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Are red boots the new black?

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I know I am as guilty as any other girl, when we say we own one too many shoes. Am I right or am I right? I hold my hands up and admit, they are all black. One with a buckle. One with a statement heel. One is patent, whereas the other is velvet. There is no getting away with the dark cluster of heels in the corner of my room. I am just thankful I haven’t got my shoes mixed up and walked out of the house with opposite pairs. With it being the new year and our resolutions have already gone out of the window, it is time for a new pair of shoes (or two) to go with a new year. This year is about rebooting our feet and giving them the stylish attention they need. Here are only the best of the best red ankle boots to get your hands, to kickstart your 2018 the right way.


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