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Black Velvet Circus - ethic brand from Germany

"Black Velvet Circus is mysterious, non-conformist and dares to find new paths…"

In 2009, the Hamburg based designer Tanja Glissman founded Black Velvet Circus.

As the name suggests, the online store and label has become mystic and electrifying, yet cool and casual – not at all far from what we might expect an off duty trapeze artist might wear on a spontaneous trip to the market.

Through a love for vintage clothing and a clear affinity for denim, Tanja Glissman created a label dedicated to sustainability, female empowerment, fairness, craftsmanship and reflection. The individual designs are simple and graceful, but together the collections work as a graphic kaleidoscope of embroidery and linen.

Latest Magazine spoke with the original and unconventional designer to learn how she made her own rules and followed her intuition.

By Nina Hanz


P.IVA - CF 15126391000

REA Roma RM-1569553

Raimondo Scintu 78 street,

00173 Rome, Italy


Marta Forgione - president


is a registered trademark

Any unauthorized use will be

punished according to law.


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