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Fashion Flair: Annakiki x Huawei P30 PRO

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courtesy of Huawei Fashion Flair

An event without precedents took place at Superstudio in Milan. Indeed, the collection created by

designer Anna Yang, creative director of Annakiki, together with the artificial intelligence of

Huawei P30 PRO, has been presented during this event. The project, called Fashion Flair, is a vivid

example of how technology can be mixed with human creativity and create something


courtesy of Vogue

The collection is made of 20 outfits, characterized by an explosion of colours and forms, best

suitable for women who are confident and not afraid to show their personality.

The Fashion Flair app is the result of the hard work of Italian engineers who, together with

Huawei’s and Huawei P30 PRO’s artificial intelligence, “trained” the app by recording some

pictures of the latest 100 years of fashion, together with the last Annakiki’s collections. Then,

thanks to the system of neural calculation that’s inside the smartphone, the app proposed different,

brand new outfits and the creative director created the actual dresses by adding her creative touch.

courtesy of Huawei Fashion Flair

courtesy of Elle

Concerning this brilliant innovation, Anna Yang stated: “With this new project I have

experimented something never done before: taking inspiration from the artificial intelligence.

Huawei P30 PRO became a new source of inspiration, always available, that gave me the chance

to work in an absolutely alternative way. It is been a wonderful partner, that has offered me

multiple sparks to work. Co-creating together has been stimulating and I am sure in the future

technology will play a more distinctive role in the fashion world, by opening completely new

scenarios that today we can only imagine”.

courtesy of getyourimage

The collection is exclusively available online on, which was partner of Fashion


words Ludovica Mucci



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