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Genius Is Born Crazy: Will Smith for Moncler

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The strength to go beyond one’s limits, the courage to travel with imagination, to glimpse new possibilities where there seems to be none and to be carried away by new, brilliant ideas with a touch of craziness. This is the message of Moncler’s new Genius is Born Crazy advertising campaign.

courtesy of Moncler

Immortalized by the visionary genius of Tim Walker, is the actor Will Smith, interpreter of the Genie in Aladdin, the new remake in live action signed Disney.

One of the most visionary photographers in the world of fashion and an actor with a brilliant career gave birth to a chapter titled “Levitation”, which concept has always been embedded in the Moncler’s DNA: from being a brand of technical articles to one of luxury that combines functionality and style for the mountains and the city, Moncler is always dedicated to research and innovation, combining to a wise savoir-faire that flash of genius that can turn thought into reality.

The next chapters of the campaign, “Multitasking” and “The Challenge” will be revealed in the next few days.

words Ludovica Mucci



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