Preen by Thornton Bregazzi is a good mix of harmonies and balanced meetings: fluctuant dresses with some tom-boy style, ballet shoes with ribbons matched with a white technical parka. Thighs with flowers applications are a very special touch, coming back on every models in the collection, like it was part of the body itself.
The collection is well done and it has stylish details we like a lot - for instance, the silky scarf around the neck and Japanese manga's drawings on floral patterned shirts and dresses - but the most important part is the one we can't see or touch. It is, somehow, something in the DNA of the collection.
Fabrics used for the Spring Summer 2020 collection are all sustainable and they did not have any bad impact over the environment during production. Some are discarded materials found in Notting Hill brand's storage space. Some are made with 100% eco-friendly viscosa. Georgette is actually made with plastic bottles.
Sustainability issues are today at the core of the Fashion industry and everyone tries its best in order to find better solutions and arise consciousness.
In this general turmoil it's good to see how Preen by Thornton Bregazzi did all in silence, even without writing it down on the introduttive notes for the show. This is the way it should be after all: to make conscious decisions is not a matter of trend or advertisement, but it should be taken-for-granted.
Words by Giulia Greco