The Spring Summer collection by Versace needs no further words. Everyone - just everyone - of us has hundreds of photos in the Instagram feed with Jlo, incredibly beautiful, in a green dress, a revisitation of the dress worn by the singer in 2000.
But perhaps not everyone knows the story of the dress, which had become viral all over the world, with millions of people searching for it on google and asking for information about it. The first time in history when a photo - the one with Jeniffer Lopez on the red carpet - has become viral worldwide, and the reason why Google decided to create Google Images, giving users the chance to search only for visual content.

The fashion show is the anniversary celebration of this very important event, where fashion, culture and technology met in a fortunate astral conjunction - probably changing forever the destiny of the modern world.
The collection is less commercial, less over the top and more indomitable than the previous ones. The general mood is the last 90s and that delicate moment when fashion moved into the new century, between the new culture of celebrities, the technology that advances and the desire to be sexy and desirable - a trend that is taking up space on the scene of today again.

Words by Giulia Greco