Richard René created a significant collection for Guy Laroche's Spring Summer 2020. The show talks about the Paris of the 70s and its brilliant social scene, where the undisputed protagonists, a mass without a name and without a defined conformation, were the so-called sex workers. Boys and girls of high hopes, who did not hesitate to sell what they had the most ephemeral and tangible, their beauty and their youth, in exchange for some money.
The same theme is treated in the film that inspired the designer; Madame Calude, by the French director Just Jaeckin.
Thus, the models walking on a vintage rug with the famous Laroche pattern, which is also the dominant fantasy in the first part of the collection, on dresses, suits and skirts. The colors are decidedly elegant and contained: navy blue, white and tobacco. Even the fabrics are simple and alternate jersey, suede and denim.
From halfway on, however, the collection comes to life, bringing to the stage unmistakable breasts of the inspiration that the designer caught during the creation. The circle cuts on the clothes above all, which leave the skin of the models uncovered and make the looks so sensual and blamelessly brazen. And the French coin print, which is perhaps an explicit and "vulgar" detail, but at the same time full of history and meaning.
slide to watch the looks.
Words by Giulia Greco