In celebration of the 25th anniversary since famous sitcom “Friends” made its debut in 1994, Ralph Lauren has teamed up with Warner Bros to create a workwear collection inspired by Rachel Green’s (alias Jennifer Aniston) unmistakable style. The “Wear to Work” collection is made of clothes that not only will celebrate the 90’s style which marked the series and is still trending nowadays, but also the iconic aesthetic of Rachel in the midst of her career in fashion.
Indeed, let’s not forget about the famous cameo in which Ralph Lauren himself bumped into Rachel in the elevator, a clash that inevitably caused a lot of gossip and eventually led to funny misunderstandings.
Amongst the pieces of the collection we can find the classic mini-skirts, suits, tops and polos and very fine accessories.
The collection will be available on the 21st and 22nd of September at Bloomingdale’s in New York, the fashion retailer in which Rachel started to make the first steps into the fashion world. The collection will also be itinerant, moving every two weeks in other Bloomingdale’s stores as the space created right for the clients in order to have a coffee and sit on the comfortable orange sofa by now consumed by the six guys reuniting in “Central Perk”.
Words by Ludovica Mucci