An environmentalist and humanitarian spirit, Valentina Quinn, who presented in 2015 documentary “One Rock Three Religions” about the difficult path towards peace in the Middle East, winner of the US Congress Award Recognition and of many other awards, will now discuss about our dangerous dependency from oil. “The White Snake” documentary will surely leave a mark. Valentina Quinn, born Castellani, has always been surrounded by art in every form, both in her studies and in her life. After the sudden death of her husband Francesco Quinn, son of Oscar winning actor Anthony Quinn, Valentina founded the Quinn Studios with her partner Massimiliano Musina, to honor his memory.
The production and post-production house has always produced some interesting projects from a humanitarian perspective, informing the public about crucial events that are often not stressed enough or of which disinformation is rampant. Therefore, Valentina’s goal is to open the doors to issues of vital importance both for men and for our planet, inviting to create a dialogue and a constructive confrontation, in order to find solutions to the progressive decline of our Earth and with her, of what makes us human: solidarity, comprehension and the power to act for the better. We had the pleasure to interview Valentina Quinn about these and many other issues that are addressed in “The White Snake”. The documentary is still being filmed and will be distributed in a year to Festivals and to the world.
What was the spark that ignited your will to start working on this amazing project?
We were still shooting our previous Film “One Rock Three Religions” and we had the opportunity to meet in Washington DC with the Founder of the US Energy Security Council, which is the Government organization, created to reduce our dependency to oil. We thought right away that OIL was an exceptional subject to tackle. Oil dominates our politics, economy and society. Yet I am always inclined on producing projects with a strong humanitarian personality. I always stand with the people, the minorities, the ones that have no voice and the ones who carry an important message and represent a fundamental part of our society. When the Saga of Standing Rock started to make the daily news, I thought “This Is It”. It is about the Native Americans, it is about giving them a voice, it is about our water and our environment, and most importantly it is about our integrity as a society and the way we use our resources. It is in our responsibility the way we use OIL as an energy, without destroying communities, and their traditions.