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"we are not an indie magazine"




WRITERS: Gaétane Auffret, Laura Zanovello, Nina Hanz, Giampiero Amodeo, Jordan Ellen Wood,

Djordje Veljkovic


ASSISTENTI LAYOUT: Giuseppe Sindoni, Laura Bobak


COVER STORY: Photography Kate Moore c/o Alyssa Pizer Management | Art Direction, Stylist Emilie Maslow c/o Art Department | Models Silja Danielson & Phil Torres of WME

Hair style, Makeup Heidi Nymark c/o Art Department


FOTOGRAFI EDITORIALI: Patrick Schwalb, Loreen Hinz, Genevieve Charbonneau, Peoneemoull Pech, Marina Schneider-Moog, Les Mijotés, Christina Hasenauer, Drew Shearwood


AGENZIE COINVOLTE: Next Model Management, Nina Klein, Liganord, Fuze Reps, East west models,

The Syndical, Scoop, Muse models, Stockholmsgruppen, Dominique Models Agency, Modellink, Muse NYC, Alyssa Pizer Management, Art Department, TFM Berlin, Basics Berlin, Iconic Management


INTERVISTE: una coppia adorabile (in cover) Silja Danielson & Phil Torres c/o WME

Brand etico e sostenibile Black Velvet Circus


Febbraio 2019 numero #10 - ITALIANO

€ 15,00Prezzo


    P.IVA - CF 15126391000

    REA Roma RM-1569553

    Raimondo Scintu 78 street,

    00173 Rome, Italy


    Marta Forgione - president


    is a registered trademark

    Any unauthorized use will be

    punished according to law.


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