Giulia Greco 1 ago 2019"New Identity" editorialePreview editoriale dal numero di Agosto SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI “Il bisogno radicato nella Natura Umana è quello di esprimere la propria...
Giulia Greco 1 ago 2019"New Identity" editorialPreview editorial/back cover story from August print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE "The need rooted in Human Nature is to express one’s...
Redazione5 apr 2019"Harmonic Disharmony"The term “De Stijl” in Dutch means “style”. Known also as Neoplasticism, we are talking about an artistic trend that began in the...
Redazione9 giu 2018"West End"New western style webitorial TEAM: Photographer: Saint Yvy Style: Manuela Mezzetti Model: Alyona c/o Women Models Milano Makeup: Alessio...