Giulia Greco 9 giu 2019"First Stage"Quei giorni perduti a rincorrere il vento a chiederci un bacio e volerne altri cento un giorno qualunque li ricorderai amore che fuggi da...
Giulia Greco 9 giu 2019"First Stage"Those days long past of chasing the wind, of asking each other for a kiss and wanting a hundred more, one of these days you’ll remember...
Redazione17 lug 2018"Impact"Bring sport wear into everyday life TEAM Photography Elke Van de Velde Art Direction Irina Scott Styling Hope Misterek Hair & Makeup...
Redazione15 giu 2018"Modern Sense"Editorial from June print issue!! See more in the magazine HERE | photographer ANDREAS KUSY styling TATYANA DESCHNER hair and makeup ...