Giulia Greco 14 giu 2019"Desert Dusk" “La lotta di molti fotografi professionisti è quella di creare immagini che abbiano la stessa purezza di cuore dell’istantanea familiare”...
Giulia Greco 14 giu 2019"Desert Dusk"“The struggle of many professional photographers is to make images that have the same purity of heart as the family snapshot” - Alec Soth...
laurabobak23 mag 2019"Endless Nature"Photography Evelynn Koolstra Style Lisa Klink Makeup, Hair Style Janouk Rijpma Model Lisa Van Beek @ Elite model management layout Laura...
Giulia Greco 13 mag 2019"Love Galore"Photography Ugur Yarar c/o Style Daniel Klaus Mwangi Model Mily Reuter c/o Milk Model Management London Makeup Jenny Arlt...
Redazione22 feb 2019"Surexcité"Photography Miriam Mara Style Alessia Friggione Hair & Makeup Deborah Hoerz Model Yara c/o Brodybookings #webitorial #model #MiriamMara...
Redazione17 gen 2018Are red boots the new black?I know I am as guilty as any other girl, when we say we own one too many shoes. Am I right or am I right? I hold my hands up and admit,...