Password: paradise. Each of us has a particular vision of it, for me it’s that place where you feel you could find peace, where you feel in a total communion with nature. This 2018 has been a year of big changes, not only because I got married (and talking about weddings, I invite you to go to page 38 to read our interview with a special couple, a Norwegian model and an American biologist, of their vision of paradise), but also because I made an important trip to Mexico between Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatan where I rediscovered the beauty of the ancient and modern world (find out more on page 164).
Marta Forgione
Facebook: @marta.forgione
Instagram: @martaforgione

the perfect match (on the cover) model + biologist Silja Danielsen and Phil Torres
Black Velvet Circus, a sustainable and ethical German brand
4Ocean's cause, to free the oceans from plastic and make accessories with it
Unforgettable weddings of 2018
Accessories not to be missed in 2019
Trends to follow in the pre-fall 2019 fashion shows
Our "best of" sustainable homeware
The beauty tips for 2019
Bloggers who embrace sustainability and try to spread it with fashion
Must Haves not to be missed by the 2019 Resorts
Tulum, a growing paradise
And 9 amazing fashion editorials not to be missed!
#Latestmagazine #print #fashion #news #MartaForgione #cover #interview #Paradise #Tulum #RivieraMaya #SiljaDanielsen #PhilTorres #BlackVelvetCircus #sustainable #sustainability #Ethic #ethicalbrand #ecosustainable #4Ocean #plasticocean #royalwedding #accessories #beauty #resort2019 #fashionweek #trend #homeware #blogger #editorial #prefall2019 #fashionmagazine #italianfashion #February2019issue