"The 2019 edition of the Design Week has hosted many international artists in Milan, bringing forward a message of openness and sharing, having at the centre of the creative process the idea of a more sustainable approach to life."

This year, the 2019 edition of the Design Week has hosted many international and national artists that have presented very visionary works at Salone del Mobile and at Fuorisalone in Milan, works full of aesthetic meaning but also of cultural depth.
Intelligence, experimentation, creativity and sustainability have been the key works of this event, around which a clear and definite path has been created. Indeed, by exhibiting these wonderful creations, Milan’s annual event does not only represent the excellence of creativity, but also a mirror on the cultural changes that design, art and architecture want to convey both to the new public and to those interested in exploring the world of design with a critic eye.

Many have been the paths dedicated to those issues shaking the asset of our society. Design then, serves as a tool with which one can pose his or herself some questions and attempting to give some answers, both to our daily necessities and to the long-term ones. This intention has been concretized through the realization of works characterized by “a poetic simplicity”, as Salone del Mobile stated. A simplicity that aimed at spreading a message of inclusivity, of exaltation of artistic influences that go beyond the limits of the known, in order to reach also a transnational public.
Going back to primitive and old influences has been the expressive formality of this simplicity, a past that flourished through the use of renaissance scenarios or rudimental raw materials.
However, the necessity and the desire of the new is inherent to modernity together with the awakening of the past. Indeed, it is in this way that the past and the new blended together, and created a combination enriched with futuristic and dissonant undertones.

Another important point of this 2019 edition to consider is the theme linked with ecology and sustainability, which are really crucial issues that are shaping these last few years. It is really this sustainable path that Fuorisalone has highlighted the most, through the concept of re-use, very visible in the materials implied in some creations. This path was able to transmit to the public an extremely important message of environmental safeguard but also of some delicate issues about inclusivity and acceptance of unknown universes that could bring new design traditions to the table and by doing so, enriching those already known.
written by Ludovica Mucci