Giulia Greco 6 mag 2019Chanel Cruise 2020 e l'inizio di un nuovo capitoloLa sfilata Cruise di Chanel era, per ovvie ragioni, quella più attesa. Ora che il Grande Maestro Lagerfeld non c’è più tutti, nel mondo...
Giulia Greco 6 mag 2019Chanel Cruise 2020 and the beginning of something new Chanel’s Cruise show was the most anticipated one, for reasons we all know. Now that the Grand Master Lagerfeld is passed away, everyone...
Redazione20 feb 2019"I love to be always creative". Goodbye to the genius Karl LagerfeldPassion, genius, fashion icon, in a word Karl Lagerfeld. The legendary designer and photographer died at the age of 85 in his beloved...