"Metal" - editorial
Preview editoriale dal numero di Ottobre #14 SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI “Il metallo lucido e tagliente si affianca alla pelle, morbida e...
Preview editoriale dal numero di Ottobre #14 SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI “Il metallo lucido e tagliente si affianca alla pelle, morbida e...
Preview editorial from October #14 print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE “Shiny and sharp metal meets the human skin, soft and voluptuous....
American TV broadcaster HBO announced the production of "Very Ralph", the first documentary portrait of fashion icon Ralph Lauren. The...
L'emittente televisiva statunitense HBO ha annunciato la produzione di "Very Ralph", il primo documentario sull'icona della moda Ralph...
Some days ago Calvin Klein released the third video of its new campaign: Bella Hadid and Lil Miquela kiss and embrace while a background...
Alcuni giorni fa Calvin Klein ha rilasciato il terzo video della sua nuova campagna pubblicitaria: Bella Hadid e Lil Miquela si scambiano...
Photography, Post Production David Willems Style Hannah Ernst Model Felix Sauerbrey c/o Modelwerk Hair style, Makeup Max Plaeth layout...
Photography Taner Tumkaya c/o Tarfilms Style Olivia Perdoch Models Willodeen Swaffiled c/o Next Management and Yohanis c/o Two Management...
Cerchi ispirazione? Non dimenticare i loro nomi. SCOPRI DI PIU' SUL NUMERO DI APRILE Jack Waterlot. E’ nato a Parigi con l’arte nel...
Looking for inspirations? Do not forget their names. DISCOVER MORE ON THE APRIL ISSUE Jack Waterlot. He was born in Paris with art in his...
Preview editorial from April print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE Photography Det Kempke Style Nathalie Von Gordon Model Jerry E c/o Louisa...
Preview editoriale dal numero di Aprile SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI Fotografia Det Kempke Style Nathalie Von Gordon Modella Jerry E c/o...
Photographer & style Olga Miljko Model Vika Zuban c/o Photogenics LA Makeup Nika Dernis layout Giuseppe Sindoni #Latestmagazine...
Photographer Miriam Mara Stylist Bianca Hauff Model Gardelina Bautista c/o Eastwest Models Hair style & Makeup Artist Eva Gerholdt layout...
The year behind us has been unpredictable and incredibly turbulent, and pre-fall as the last season of the annual fashion calendar was no...
Photographer Ramon Arana Stylist Midory Aguileta Model Irene Stepanenko c/o GH Management Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist Jesus Palencia...
Art Director: Tomo Nagle Photographer: Luke Schneider Assistant: Kevin Michael Briggs Producer: Chris Tucker Production: Schawk Studios...
Photography Patrick Schwalb Model Luk Jonas c/o Modelwerk layout Giuseppe Sindoni #webitorial #latestmagazine #latestman #model...