"Unknown Roads" - webitorial
Production Filip Zieliński Photography MAŁGORZATA POPINIGIS Style Ewa Michalik Models Weronika Kaźmierczak, Ola Kaźmierczak c/o Made By...
Production Filip Zieliński Photography MAŁGORZATA POPINIGIS Style Ewa Michalik Models Weronika Kaźmierczak, Ola Kaźmierczak c/o Made By...
Preview editoriale dal numero di Agosto SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI “Si dice che nel fiume Eufrate cadde un uovo di straordinaria grandezza,...
Preview editorial from August print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE “They say an extraordinary big egg fell in the Euphrates, which fishes...
Preview Cover story from August print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE Photography Patrick Schwalb Style Markus Galic Model Céline Bethmann...
Anteprima Cover story dal numero di Agosto SEE MORE IMAGES HERE Photography Patrick Schwalb Style Markus Galic Model Céline Bethmann...
Preview editoriale dal numero di Agosto SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI “Il bisogno radicato nella Natura Umana è quello di esprimere la propria...
Preview editorial/back cover story from August print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE "The need rooted in Human Nature is to express one’s...
"the new frontier of beauty" Photography Olga Jakovleva Style Juliya Verbickaya Model Liina c/o Moon Models Makeup Eva Hel using MAC...
"Il bianco è il non colore per eccellenza. Pulito, etereo, leggero. Il bianco è possibilità, perchè su una tela vuota si può ancora...
"White is the non-color par excellence. Clean, ethereal, light. White is possibility, because everything can still be written on an empty...
Preview editoriale dal numero di Giugno SCOPRI PIU' IMMAGINI QUI “L’immagine è qualcosa di indivisibile e inafferrabile, che dipende...
Preview editorial from June print issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE “The image is indivisible and elusive. It depends both on our consciousness...
The term “De Stijl” in Dutch means “style”. Known also as Neoplasticism, we are talking about an artistic trend that began in the...
Photographer Jonathan Faulkner Model Namrata Tripathi c/o Milk Model Management Makeup Lasharne Martin using NARS, MAC, Sonia Roselli,...
Cold weather is a terrible enemy of the skin. It tends to make it dry and make it redden. Therefore, in these months, we strongly...
Red lips, soft waves... Say hello to this new year with a timeless beauty! - Story by TEAM: Photography Ann Solie Makeup, Hair Style...
See more in the magazine here!!! THE AMAZING TEAM OF COVER STORY "Play to Win": Photograpy Johannes Graf c/o Hille photographers Style...
Don't miss this perfect beauty story from December issue SEE MORE IMAGES HERE Photography Andrew Hiles Model Brooke Madsen c/o Models1...
Want a beauty tip for your party time makeup? SEE MORE OF THIS EDITORIAL Photography Silke Schlotz Model Luna c/o ICE Models Hair Style,...
Password of the December issue? Shine on! SEE MORE about this super editorial Photograpy Patrick Schwalb Style Markus Galic Model Elena...